Nursery Nest Happiness

Nursery Nest HappinessI decided to design a card for MOJO Monday 417 this week. Sure hope you enjoy the sweet little birds.

The Bible insists its teachings be passed from generation to generation. For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life. Proverbs 6:23 Parents are responsible for education, trusting God for the outcome.

Nursery Nest Happiness InsideSure hope those to whom the card will be given will find encouragement and hope as they seek to follow The Lord’s guidance in their lives and the life of their new-born child. Can hardly wait for the upcoming baby shower.

Psalm 1:3 Devotion

9:26:15 D. Smith PostWoke up this morning and opened the book, Rise and Shine, by Liz Curtis Higgs. I’ve been going through it doing my devotions the past couple of months.

Today’s scripture reference was Psalm 1:3 which reads…

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

Sensed God speaking through the words…in the same way, you are also a tree in the kingdom of God. As your roots are planted deep in the soil of God’s Word, seeking out the Living Water that only Christ can provide, you flourish. Your branches stretch upward towards the Son and are refreshed by the wind of the Holy Spirit. Most of the tree’s work is done underground, quietly. Your growth is sure, no one keeps track, checks the roots, but God sees it right away. Finally, when your branches are strong enough to support it, the fruit arrives in its season!